Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Gifts

Here are a few V-day gifts from my Valentines to you.

Conrad wants to share kisses. This is his latest trick. You say "kisses" and he puckers his lips and makes a little fishy face.

On the eve of his 11th month birthday, he's becoming less baby and more toddler. He's standing all on his own (look, no hands!), he's tearing into every cabinet, drawer and closet we have, he's saying words - bah for ball, uh-oh and ki-ki when he sees the cat, and he throws tantrums - full out kicking, screaming, crying tantrums. 1 month left and I'll be baby-less again.

And the actual toddler, Joseph...he wants to share his sweet dance moves with you for Valentine's Day.

Napoleon Dynamite's got nothing on this kid.

Who needs fancy dinners, roses and champagne when I have these sweet Valentines?