Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I'm starting to get concerned that Joseph's future has him starring in an episode of "Hoarders: Buried Alive". He clearly inherited my mom's family gene of being a pack rat, at the very least. My grandfather and mother save everything - like boxes of newspaper articles from 1963, every greeting card they have ever received, and check registers from 1984. If I had a toy, it's still in my parent's attic.

Joseph's early tendencies towards this trait include his need to travel with an entourage of his favorite things. As of right now, the count of things that need to be in his crib each night are 3 pacis, 5 lovey blankets, 3 stuffed animals and 1 pillow. In the morning, we can't leave his room until all these items have been loaded in our arms to make the trip to the couch for his morning cartoons. If one falls on the floor on either the trip into the family room or once he is on the couch, a lot of shrieking ensues. This pretty much captures 7am at our house:

Luckily, despite several tantrums, I have been able to keep the entourage down to Joseph's two favorite loveys and 1 paci when we actually leave the house. The funniest part is that one we get someplace fun, Joseph ditches his prized possessions faster than you can imagine. We like to say "Joseph's up to serious business" when he hands us his loveys and pacis saying "All Done!" and runs off to play.

And because an entry wouldn't be complete without Conrad making an appearance, the latest pictures of the boys together.

Conrad is becoming quite the chunker - which is to be expected when the kid takes 4 oz every 2-3 hours around the clock. Although we did get a 4 hour stretch from 9:15 pm to 1:15 am last night. Of course, he was then up every 2 hours after that. Lucky for Rich he had the 10 pm - 2 am shift and I had the 2 am - 6 am shift last night, of which I slept none of. Rich was sweet enough to go into work late this morning and let me get back in bed until 7:30 this morning after finally settling Conrad back down at 6 am (Joseph was up at 6:20 am).


Theresa said...

You forgot to mention that I also have all of your baby teeth, except that one you swallowed when Jeffrey knocked it out. You also failed to mentioned your attachment to your "beddy". If I remember correctly your brought that rag with you to college. I think Richard finally put his foot down when you started packing it in your suitcase when you were leaving for your honeymoon! Hmmmmm...I have a feeling, the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree! T and PaPa will have to make a stop at Carter's this weekend to shop for new lovies.....see if we can get the count up to 7 or 8!

Harmony said...

LOL! Aidan is the SAME exact way with his stuff as Joseph! Too funny :)

Erin said...

yeah crystal, i haven't forgotten that ratty blanket and scary doll that you brought to college ...