Monday, August 23, 2010

Hide N Seek

2010 style. Because kids these days can sit on the couch and play hide-n-seek with their aunt via video conferencing...

As you can tell, he quite enjoyed it.

And a cute glimpse into what Conrad enjoys these days...just hanging out, rolling, watching his big brother's every move.

Of course, Joseph couldn't NOT make an appearance. As you will see when you watch the video, he was quite displeased by the fact that the video was not about him.

I love how the minute the camera is on him, he settles his ass down. I also didn't notice until I watched the video back that at one point Joseph hits Conrad out of frustration for no longer being the ONLY center of attention in our lives.

1 comment:

Erin said...

hmm, looked like 2 separate hits to me :-)

seriously that was hilarious when he calmed down right when you started filming him ...