Saturday was a big day - Joseph's first haircut. Honestly, I was nervous. I told Rich this on our drive to the kid's salon and he looked at me like I had just told him that I made reservations to go camping (if you know me, you know there is no way in hell I am ever going camping). I am not sure why I was nervous - we expected he might cry, but I knew we could survive that. I was a little worried he might look ridiculous afterwards, but its hair, it will grow back. I guess I was just anticipating a sorta big milestone.
His haircut milestone went surprisingly well. We took him to a kid's salon where the chairs are little airplanes, trains or cars that the kids can sit in. There are toys and balls and various things to keep them entertained. Joseph fussed a little bit when he got in his plane but quickly got over it once we have him a ball and a paci. He fussed a few times while she was cutting his hair, but he pretty much just hung out for the 10 minutes it took to prune him.
Some pictures from throughout his styling:

Quick explanation of the sign - if you have ever seen Good Morning America on Saturday mornings, they do a segment called "Your week in 3 words". People take videos doing various things with signs describing their week's events. We are submitting a short video of his haircut with the "My First Haircut" sign. Hopefully, you'll be seeing us on national TV this weekend!

And when it was all over, he looked like this:

I was happy because he was cleaned up, but not too short. We were also sad about the fact that his haircut most likely was going to mean that we would lose his curls that had been forming in the back. However, it turns out the cut made them even tighter. The hairstylist seemed to think in time we could be dealing with a curly haired child. If we are, that is all from Daddy's side of the family. There isn't a curl to be found in any member of my family.
After his big haircut, we took Joseph next store to a great toy store. It's huge and they have tons of toys around for the kids to actually play with. It was a great way to spend 45 minutes on a 98 degree day.
Joseph had fun trying out this viking hat:

Attempting to get a picture with Mommy - we snapped this one in the 1.5 seconds he was willing to sit in my lap for. As you can see, he was wriggling around the whole time:

And lastly, going shopping:
FYI- I wanted to be creative with the naming of this post and the title "Freshly Shorn" popped into my head. For some reason I typed it into google and the first search results were the following:
1) Freshly shorn scrotums (???? - I have no idea!!!)
2) 30 freshly shorn sheep die in Pendleton after a late freeze
3) Alpacas look funny, especially when freshly shorn.
Therefore, I went with the mundane "First Haircut"]