Saturday, October 17, 2009


Joseph has been working on his climbing skills for awhile - really he started practicing about 4 days after he started walking (see "Out: Waking In: Climbing" post from May) - but in the last week he has perfected them. I left Joseph in our breakfast nook on the floor happily eating a snack and banging a pot with a ladle so that I could go to the bathroom (something that is occurring at an alarming frequent rate these days) for 2 minutes or so. I came back and saw this:

That would be Joseph sitting on our breakfast bar, about 4 feet above the ground, happily throwing bills and magazines out of my mail basket and rummaging through my wallet. The only way for him to get up there would be to climb on the chair (see slightly pushed out chair above - apparently he also knows enough to push the chair from under the table), then unto the table and climb over the half-wall to sit on the bar counter. I knew I might encounter some trouble when I stopped hearing the pot banging about halfway through my trip to the bathroom. I expected to find Joseph rummaging through cookies and crackers in the pantry. I didn't realize he'd become a certified mountain climber overnight.

So for the next few days, if I needed to leave the room, I would move Joseph into the baby proofed family room. The fireplace and coffee tables are padded, there is a gate to keep him confined, all the electical outlets are properly Joseph-proofed. It was a great plan until I realized Joseph also now likes to climb onto our window seat. He knows enough to pull all the pads and pillows off so we can have a nice hard surface to run along once he gets up there. This wouldn't be so bad - it's only a foot off the ground with a carpeted surface below - except that its right in front of a nice, big glass window. I just have an image of him running, tripping and falling through a glass window. Not good - he's not getting left alone in there anymore.

So we are back to a situation similar to Joseph's newborn days when he had to be held ALL.THE.TIME so he went everywhere with me - including the bathroom. Now instead of screaming while he sits in a bouncy chair for 2 minutes, he stands and screams while pointing at the counter to indicate that he wants to stand on top and splash in the sink.

I guess as much as things change with Joseph, some things stay the same.


mandie lane said...

JOSEPH! What a monkey! I can't believe he was up on that counter. Well, yes, I can believe it...but wow. And I thought door opening was scary. ;)

Theresa said...

Monkey doesn't even begin to describe that boy anymore. I just can't believe the muscles in his guys are in sooooo much trouble~

Unknown said...

I think gandpa needs to buy Rhubarb a ladder so he can pracitice his climbing skils. As long as he reads the warining and doesn't stand on the top rung he should be OK.

Erin said...

he totally has major leg muscles.

i guess it's good you guys live across the country from us. my joseph tends not to try to climb new things until he sees other kids do so or is really confident in himself. so i think your joseph would be a very bad example.