Tuesday, June 29, 2010


A first born child gets to enjoy his mobile peacefully.

When you are the second born child, you have to enjoy your mobile with your older brother all up in your bizness, turning the gosh darn thing on and off and smacking at it all rambunctious-like, nearing trampling you in the process.

The other difference- with baby #1, Mommy used the 20 minutes of mobile time to put on make-up or eat lunch. With baby #2, Mommy has to spend the 20 minutes listening to kid #1 scream "Up! Night Night!!!" until she lets him get in the crib with his brother and then has to stand right there making sure baby #2 doesn't end up with cracked ribs or missing an eye from big brother's attempts to smack the heck out of the mobile.

FYI - the reason Joseph is clad in just a diaper with wet hair is because mobile time happened after I attempted a shower. A shower that ended with Joseph in with me and an entire $25 bottle of Aveda face wash dumped into the tub. The mobile was supposed to keep Conrad happy while I clothed Joseph...but clearly that didn't work out in my favor.


Erin said...

umm, you feel like you have to explain why your kid is just wearing a diaper and has wet hair at a random time during the day? cause i don't find that strange at all. (actually, joseph is rarely in just a diaper because he likes being clothed. but you will find him in jammies until the late afternoon on many a day at our house.)

mandie lane said...

Oh, Crystal, I SO get this one. Anderson got to lounge in his bouncy chair, Vivian gets bounced (and not gently) by a maniacal toddler. And I let it happen, because I haven't showered in like 3 days.