Saturday, September 20, 2008

Let's give this blog thing another try....

So I guess I pretty much suck at blogging since I have made one post in over 2 months. At the time when I started this blog, I was spending a lot of time awake from 4am until 7am, just watching Joseph sleep. He would only sleep on his tummy that time of night and the world has moms convinced that belly sleeping = certain death, so I spent a lot of time staring at his chest go up and down. I would take my eye off of him occasionally to poke around on the internet and ended up with a blog. However, shortly after that original post, and after a bout with kidney stones that left Rich and I broken, broken people, we made the very tough decision to let Joseph sleep on his belly full time. We invested in a movement monitor, which will send off an alarm that would wake the dead if he doesn't breathe in 15 seconds. That gave us peace of mind and suddenly, everyone was sleeping in our house. So as much I wanted to blog...sleep quickly became the priority. Joseph still isn't a great sleeper but we can average 6-7 hours every night, which for a mom who swore she couldn't survive on less than 10 hours before having a baby, is still not enough but its enough to keep me sane.

I'll give the quick update on Joseph since he has changed so much since last time I blogged. He rolls over like a champ. He showed no signs of rolling over and then one night, shortly before he turned 3 months, I went into his crib and he was on his back. For about two weeks, he'd only roll over in his sleep and I never got to see it. This did not aid sleep as he hates being on his back and he would wake up very angry that he was no longer on his belly. We still are having issues with this problem. Around the same time he started smiling in response to us. I am probably biased, but he may have the most beautiful smile of any baby EVER. You can judge for yourself with the picture below.

He is also giggling and "talking" to us. No one can get him to giggle like his Daddy. His favorite thing to say is "boogers and snot" and Joseph just laughs his head off at it. I think by the end of each day, he is sort of tired of me and the minute Rich walks in the door and he hears his voice, he is nothing but smiles. He loves his Daddy!

The last two weeks have seen a lot of development from Joseph. He is really starting to recognize his toys. He reaches out for his favorites and knows what he likes! He also recognizes his bottle. We put his bottle in front of him and he waves his arms and kicks his feet. He even gets excited when he sees us drink from a water bottle and watches us intently when we eat. This prompted us to start him on solid foods. He pretty much hated rice cereal by itself. He dry heaved and refused to take it after a few spoonfuls. I started mixing it with applesauce and he's now loving his one "meal" everyday. Next week we are on to sweet potatoes. Yum Yum!

He started rolling back to belly this week as well. We had to coax him to do it by putting his toys out of reach. Eventually he started reaching so hard for them that he was able to roll himself over. Now he rolls back and forth all day long. We think he will crawl pretty early as he already knows how to "scooch" his knees to get to a toy.

He continues to be a chunker. At his 4 month appointment, he weighed in at 15 pounds 7 the 75th percentile. We are noticing a slight slimming down in his face as he gets more active, but he's pretty much still a fat guy.

I can not tell you how much joy this little guy brings to our life. Those of you who are parents, I am sure understand but there is simply no ways words can describe it!

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